About Jacob Lund

My name is Jacob Lund. I am a self-taught artist.

If you haven't heard of me before, here you can read a bit more about who I am and why I love to paint and express myself on canvas.

It all started on February 26, 1992 when I was shot out into the world. Thanks for that mom!

Since then I have always been creative in kindergarten, school and in my professional life. Already in kindergarten I drew a lot, and I still remember to this day that my mother always told me that I would become an artist when I grew up, when she saw the drawings I made in kindergarten and SFO.

She was right.


As the years went by, the drawings became fewer and fewer and I had to get on with my professional life. After business school in Køge, I travelled to Ireland and lived in Dublin for a year at the age of 19. Here my real working life started and I moved to Copenhagen afterwards and started as an accountant. YES, you read that right! Accountant... However, soon found out that it was too dry for me (with all due respect to those who work in it today). I won't bore you with my various jobs, but I can tell you that I subsequently worked in entrepreneurship and IT startups.

I love to create and I get many new ideas daily. My friends, family and former colleagues would probably say - at times - too many - but it is after all one of the things that characterizes me and got me to where I am today. For the past several years, I've still occasionally painted, but...

BOOM. Then came the Corona.

I quickly realized that I had a lot more time at home and I needed small creative projects.

So I bought home a bunch of canvases and paints and this would prove to be the start of my professional career in the art world.

It quickly became my sanctuary and my space where I could disconnect from the outside world all challenges. I found a bubble where I could be completely myself and express my feelings on canvas.

It's hard to explain, but when I put on the painting clothes, turn on the music and pick up the brush, something magical happens up in my brain. I enter a new world. I forget about EVERYTHING else and my brain is running at 200 mph focusing on the canvas and paint/colors I have brought out.

From here begins a surreal journey I can't explain. The easiest way I can explain it is probably the following:

I'm standing in the main train station, ready to leave. Away to a beautiful but unknown place. So I take the train that feels right at the moment, and from here the journey starts towards the beautiful but unknown destination. I change trains from station to station and the journey can be short or long. I don't stop until it feels right and I have a beautiful destination ahead of me where I am comfortable.

Enough metaphor. But that's how I feel when I paint. Most of the time I don't know where I'll end up before I start. But when I work on the piece, I can see and feel when it's finished.


Back to Corona.

When there was no more room in our small apartment in Copenhagen NV, I started to put my works up for sale, and surprisingly many people fell in love with what I had made.

Honestly, I was surprised. To think someone would pay money for something I love to do and immerse myself in.

One work sold another, and suddenly it became more serious.

First I painted in our small apartment in the living room in KBH NV. 2 months later I rented a small office in Copenhagen C of 10 m2 C. 6 months later I bought a house with 50 m2 workshop to. 2 months after I found out I needed more space and rented 140 m2 close to the house in Solrød Strand (about 30 minutes drive from Copenhagen).

Today I enjoy my days with customer visits and days where I can paint in peace and quiet. Sometimes at normal times other times evening or night. Depending on when my ideas and creativity come.

When I am not painting I enjoy time with my girlfriend, family and friends as much as possible. In addition, I am in the middle of renovating house.

That's a bit about me free from the liver and with full transparency.

Please let me know if you fall in love with any of my work. If you have specific wishes, please contact me on support@jacoblundart.com